Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine: A Rising Approach to Holistic Health

Integrative and lifestyle medicine combines traditional medical practices with evidence-based lifestyle changes to promote overall well-being. This approach has gained significant popularity and recognition, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, as people seek more holistic ways to maintain their health. Research indicates that these methods can improve outcomes for various chronic conditions by addressing the root causes rather than just the symptoms.

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HCC Coding: How It Drives Success in Value-Based Care

An inadequate understanding of HCCs may hinder healthcare providers in their efforts to maximize reimbursements and succeed in value-based care models. Read our blog to learn about how healthcare organizations should go about improving their understanding of HCC coding and optimizing their success within value-based care models.

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Remote Patient Monitoring for Revolutionizing Cardiac Care

Given the prevalence of chronic cardiac conditions among the American population, the majority of healthcare providers are already involved in the care of patients with cardiovascular disease or those at risk. Lowering blood pressure through effective management not only improves the overall health of patients but also significantly reduces the likelihood of further cardiovascular events, enhancing their quality of life and long-term prognosis.

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Understanding the Making Care Primary (MCP) Model

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have recently introduced the Making Care Primary (MCP) Model – an initiative centered around primary care, aiming to fortify its foundation and address community requirements. This model represents a significant shift in CMS’s approach to value-based care (VBC) and holds the promise of substantially enhancing health outcomes.

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Advanced Care Planning: If You Cannot Speak for Yourself

Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the preparation for communication and medical decision-making in case a medical crisis leaves you unable to communicate your own health care decisions. Planning now for your future health care can help ensure you get the medical care you want and that someone you trust will be there to make decisions for you.

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